Healthy,Happy,Thrifty Mom Says-Get Your Grubby On
We’re all thankful on Thanksgiving, but let’s face it, preparing those big meals for those big family gatherings creates the perfect storm for our active toddlers to get nice and grubby. Whether playing out in the yard with family and friends, or “helping” us in the kitchen–our little ones will always manage to get grubby. Thanks to a big shout-out and guest post below from Krystal Miller, Colorado’s coolest educator, technology genie and the expert in healthy, happy and thrifty families–there is no longer a need to worry about your kids getting their “holiday best” outfits grubby.
When I was contacted about the Grubby, I was so excited! With a name like the Grubby, they clearly knew my children well! This is a lightweight coverall suit to keep your babies and toddlers clean while they get messy! They sent me a free Grubby for Rebekka to try out and I have 5 more to give to my awesome readers. Hooray!
I’m kind of a neat freak. So, I have always been hesitant to let my little one crawl around at the playground. She would ruin her outfits by tearing up the knees and get filthy. The Grubby stops that from happening. I just wish they had come up with it quicker! I would have totally used one of these when my older kids were little, too!
Here’s the description from the packaging:
“The Grubby is a lightweight highly water-resistant coverall for babies and toddlers. The Grubby is designed to be worn over a child’s clothing while he or she plays outside in damp weather. The Grubby is great for crawlers and early walkers as they explore the wonders of the sandbox, wet or muddy grassy areas, damp wood chips, turf play surfaces, wet swings and much more!”
My daughter is 13 months old and she put the Grubby to the test! I love how it comes in it’s own little bag. I’m keeping ours in the car so I always have it handy! The Grubby is also handy to have for art projects, messy meals and lots of other messes you run into on a daily basis!
Rebekka crawled around the playground equipment, used the swings and played in the grass. She stayed clean, dry and happy! Bye, bye grass stains and wet bottoms! She was thrilled to be able to join in the fun with the big kids!
Follow Krystal on Twitter via @hhtfamilyblog
The Grubby is on sale from Black Friday through Cyber Monday for 15% off!
If you’d like a chance to WIN A GRUBBY, just click here!!!