Grubby Spring Celebration Sale Starts NOW!!!
To mark Grubby Wear’s first Spring Season, we’re celebrating with a SUPER SALE. That’s right, a SUPER SALE!! Not just 10% Off, Not just 15% Off, and not just a tempting 20% discount.
Super means a Super 30% off MSRP!!
And The Grubby Spring Celebration Sale Starts RIGHT NOW! With FREE SHIPPING INCLUDED!
Spring here in Seattle is Sooo Great..the calendar here, as in many cities, is so packed with outdoor and indoor events for kids and the entire family, its almost impossible to take them all in…. With hubby pushing one stroller and carrying our oldest on his shoulders (and with yet another on the way!), we’re doing the Annual Seattle Center Whirligig (now thru April 17), the Seattle International Children’s Festival (Sat April 16), the Washington State Spring Fair (April 14-17) and the Evergreen Fair (April 24-25). And we’re going to take advantage of National Free Parks Day (April 16-24) with a free visit to Mount Rainier!
And, since I know that my little ones are guaranteed to get themselves more than just a little grubby along the way while bouncing, snacking and rollicking, whether indoor or outdoors, or while strapped in to their car seats and slurping on something sweet, these are the times when I tell my toddlers to “Get Your Grubby On!”…
My kids won’t be the only ones who jump into our all-purpose light-weight. water-resistant, stain-proof jumpsuit / coverall to keep their ‘street clothes’ neat and clean. Your kids can to0 can romp without getting grubby too! To mark Grubby Wear’s first Spring Season, we’re celebrating with a SUPER SALE. That’s right, a SUPER Sale…
Choose from ANY of our three pop-out colors (Peek-a-Blue, Raspberry Rascal or Turquoise Trouble), each available in sizes for the tiny toddler (6-12 mo); the middle-aged toddler (12-18 mo); and the senior toddler (18-24 mo). AND SAVE 30% off of MSRP!And GET FREE SHIPPING!
This means that any Grubby that you select starting RIGHT NOW is only $20.99 vs. our MSRP of $29.99!!
All you need to do is click the SHOP Button. That’s all. Our shopping store partner Amazon will take care of the rest for you.
Now, go and Get Your Grubby On!
(before our Super Sale ends April 24)!
P.S. It doesn’t matter if you’re not in Seattle. The Grubby is perfect for any place for when your toddler(s) tend to get grubby!
Tamar Azous, Founder & CEO